Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Warbler Spotting Tips

This little video from Cornell Lab of Ornithology makes me nostalgic. I used to love standing outside the aviary where I worked every spring giving bird watching tips to the visitors to get them excited about bird conservation. It was always great to see the children's reactions when they first learn how to follow their ears and spot a wild bird with binoculars. I can spend hours bird watching. It's spectacular fun, and you don't necessarily even need the binoculars, though they help a lot. And, don't think this means you have to go on some long hike, by the way. Check out this video with warbler watching tips from experts Jessie Barry and Chris Wood. They are looking for birds in a small neighborhood patch of woods. The footage is amazing. You don't need a huge forest, just some patience and a few pointers. Don't forget to drop by The Ravens Crossing to read my latest published young adult flash fiction story, Morgan and Holly. If you read the entire story from the start, you will find they've been bird watching, too. Big surprise.


annie said...

What a great post! I love to take my morning coffee out into the backyard. Most mornings, it's like being in an aviary. I am learning the sounds various birds make, and enjoying watching them hunt for food or dip into the bird bath for a drink. Our yard is cat-free, as our dog keeps them out, but he doesn't bother birds, so it is the perfect sanctuary.

Andi Lea said...

I really love that I live so close to the park and my neighborhood is surrounded by so many trees. I agree with Annie that morning coffee is a sanctuary-- and I am too learning all of the bird calls thanks to your help Amanda.